In the fond memory of our beloved Babuji,
Late Mahaveer Prasad Tripathi, an eminent scholar and ideal teacher who had devoted his whole
life for imparting quality education to all sections of society, especially the under privileged and the down trodden,
the Mahaveer Charitable Trust has established
“Mahaveer Institute of Technology” (MIT),
which is a premier Technical and Professional institute committed to quality and excellence in academic pursuit.
The institute was established in year 2011 with the objective to produce quality Engineers for the service of the society,
which would accelerate the over all technological development of the nation and in time to come will up-lift the society.
It is situated at NH-2, 5km from Jhunsi, at Allahabad-Varanasi G.T. Road. The building of the institute was constructed under
the able guidance and close supervision of eminent architect of Uttar Pradesh, meeting with the parameters of All India Council of
Technical Education (AICTE) and required for a good technical institute.