Code of Conduct For Students
- On admission to our institute, every student is liable to follow the instructions of the Institute.
- Students are advised to express courtesy to Teaching, Non Teaching, and administrative staff.
- Loud talking, Shouting, Loitering, Congregating is strictly prohibited in the Institute campus.
- Students are required to be in uniform neatly and decently.
- Students have to keep their identity card with them; else they are not permitted to enter the Institute premises.
- Use of cell phone is strictly prohibited in the academic area of campus. Use of cell phone would entail confiscation of the handset. It would be returned only after payment of a fine.
- Students are advised to maintain their attendance min. 75%, falling which will be debarred from the internal as well as external examination.
- Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as indiscipline and absence from the class.
- Students are allowed to leave the campus during working hours only on written application duly signed by Vice Principal.
- Students are allowed to operate any Machinery/Electronics Device/Model only in presence and supervision of lab. In-charge.
- Students are strictly advised not to indulge in ragging else they are likely to be prosecuted.
- Students are not allowed to enter the campus with any sort of arms else they are to be prosecuted.
- Students are not allowed to indulge in any political activity inside the premises.
- Students are not allowed to enter the premises in drunken (Alcoholic) condition.
- Smoking and use of Tobacco products are strictly prohibited.
- Students are advised not to damage Institute’s property or any article in any form, else the have to pay fine of amount equivalent to the value of the damaged property.
- Students are to make all efforts to conserve water and electricity.
- Students should keep a regular watch on the notice boards for keeping themselves updated.
- Students should keep their bags outside the library and workshops.
- Students found absconding from their regular classes will be allowed in classroom only on submission of written application duly signed by their parents.
- In case of illness for a period more than 2 days students have to submit medical certificate of a Doctor along with written leave application.
- Students shall observe all safety precautions. The Institute is not responsible for any accident, of whatever nature, in the Institute, hostel, workshop, play ground and during summer training and industrial training or educational tour/trip.
- It is compulsory for the students to attend functions/activities organized by the Institute on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Function etc.